Vol.2 No.2
The Pearl River Delta: a window of opportunity
Henry Tang, Chief Secretary for Administration. Looking to the future: insight from the Chief Secretary for Administration on integration and cooperation between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta.
Anthony Wu, Bauhinia Foundation Research Centre. Making the most of it: the fundamental attitudes needed to make the most of opportunities over the border.
Prof Wong Siu-lun, HKU. Hong Kong’s young entrepreneurs: where are they? Opening Hong Kong’s borders to young migrants may be the answer to maintaining entrepreneurial strength.
Alex Fong, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. A clear message: take heed. Youth have the responsibility to ensure Hong Kong maximizes its potential as a Chinese city.
Cliff Sun, Federation of Hong Kong Industries. Work where? In the PRD? Why Hong Kong youth are reluctant to consider working on the mainland.
Ready to go or not? Four young people say what they think about the PRD: quality of life, cost of living, uncertainty and lack of motivation to explore, salary expectations and culture shock, freedom of speech and interpersonal trust.
Fact file on the PRD: milestones, changes, initiatives and statistics.
Please close the communication gap: a plea to government get its message to youth across clearly.
Survey on education and work in the PRD: attitudes and views: HKFYG survey on education and work in the PRD.



Young reporters talk about their career ambitions and dreams


Also in this issue

HKFYG Organic Farm and Summer Youth Programme 2010