Vol.1 No.4
Education in China: for modernization, for the world and for the future
A commemorative edition for the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China
Interview with Prof Cheng Kai-ming, Chair Professor of Education and Senior Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor, HKU. Education in China: major changes, current issues. An overview of reform, its consequences and key current issues.
Dr Thomas Chan, National Director, World Vision China. Rural education: aid to poor communities. Priorities and problems for humanitarian work in the education field on the mainland.
Interview with Prof Anthony Cheung Bing-leung, President, HKIEd. Teaching as vocation: developments and dilemmas in mainland teacher education. Developments in professional education of mainland teachers explored and examined.
Interview with Principal Assistant Secretary (Higher Education), Amy Wong and SK Leung, Principal Education Officer (New Territories), Education Bureau, HKSAR Government. Cross-boundary integration: challenges and complexities for education from primary to tertiary levels in the Pearl River Delta.
Investing in the future: China's educational journey from 1949 to the present day: the pivotal role of education in the rapid development of the PRC and how the changes have impacted on young people's lives.
Prof Nirmala Rao and Dr Carol KK Chan, Faculty of Education, HKU. Understanding the Chinese learner and teacher today against the background of a changing cultural context. How Chinese students learn within an educational system that enshrines traditional concepts.
Interview with Prof Anna Sohmen Pao and Warren Johnston, Executive Principal, YK Pao School. Bold and bilingual: a new concept for China’s independent schools. A different approach to filling the demand for international qualifications in a mainland Chinese environment.


Also in this issue
Overseas study for Chinese students: language, cultural and financial aspects
Education statistics: changes made in China in the last 60 years and comparisons with other countries
Today, yesterday and tomorrow: mainland students talk about their education, what they think of the system and its future
China on film: Hong Kong celebrating with young filmmakers
HKFYG exchange tours, books, films, and photo contest in the 60th anniversary year